We all know that some youth baseball parks have nice restrooms….and some don’t. But you’re there and you gotta go, so you just need to deal with it. Sometimes it’s actually how I remember which facility our boys are playing at…”Oh yeah, I remember that field now. The bathrooms were a mile away and the hand dryer was broken” or “Oh, that’s the place with no mirrors and the faucets spray out water super hard.” Or better yet, “Right, I know where they are playing. That’s the place where there’s only one stall that doesn’t lock, the garbage can is always overflowing with garbage, and the floor is covered with puddles.”
It is what it is. And the more games your kid wins, and the longer you stay, the more you have no choice but to succumb to the grossness of the situation. It’s almost a given that if you make it to the championship game by Sunday afternoon of a full weekend of baseball, odds are there will be zero toilet paper left in any stall. Bring TP, bring hand sanitizer for when there’s no soap left, and be thankful there is even a place to pee (some fields have zero bathrooms, not even a porta potty. A tree might work for boys, but not for girls).
If you see a mom struggling to change their little one, ask if she needs help. We’ve all been there. If you are at an indoor facility that serves food, be kind when you see the person cleaning the restrooms. Kids are gross, and most of the time, even more sloppy and forgetful in a public restroom than at home. French fries, wet napkins, popcorn, empty Gatorade bottles and pieces of candy from the “claw machine” are just a few of the items rolling around on the floor. Not to mention the dirt from the field that gets drug in from little cleats and big cleats all day long, falling off in big chunks all over the place. And if you have not come to the games equipped to deal with any of these lovely issues, then I think just be prepared to hold it…
Play Ball!
Play Ball!
Sooo, what's the restroom situation look like?
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